Hello we're QuadLayers! We've recently acquired this plugin and this is the first update. We have worked very much and very hard to release it, and we will do our absolute best to support it and fix all the issues.


Thank you for choosing our QLWAPP_PLUGIN_NAME plugin for WordPress! Here you can see our demo and test the features we offer in the premium version.

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Thank you for choosing our QLWAPP_PLUGIN_NAME plugin for WordPress! Here you can see our demo and a description about the features we offer in the premium version.

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M&S Internacionalwp.customize.controlConstructor["kirki-generic"]=wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend({initKirkiControl:function(i){var c=(i=i||this).params;i.container.find("input, textarea").on("change input",(function(){var e=jQuery(this).val();"kirki-generic"===c.type&&c.choices&&"number"===c.choices.type&&(c.choices.min=parseFloat(c.choices.min),c.choices.max=parseFloat(c.choices.max),ec.choices.max&&(e=c.choices.max)),i.setting.set(e)}))}}); //# sourceMappingURL=control.js.map /** * Additional functionality for TinyMCE. * @package advanced-editor-tools */ ( function( tinymce ) { tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'wptadv', function( editor ) { var noAutop = ( ! editor.settings.wpautop && editor.settings.tadv_noautop ); function addLineBreaks( html ) { var blocklist = 'table|thead|tfoot|caption|col|colgroup|tbody|tr|td|th|div|dl|dd|dt|ul|ol|li|pre' + '|form|map|area|blockquote|address|math|style|p|h[1-6]|hr|fieldset|legend|section' + '|article|aside|hgroup|header|footer|nav|figure|figcaption|details|menu|summary'; html = html.replace( new RegExp( '<(?:' + blocklist + ')(?: [^>]*)?>', 'gi' ), '\n$&' ); html = html.replace( new RegExp( '', 'gi' ), '$&\n' ); html = html.replace( /(]*)?>)[\r\n\t]*/gi, '$1\n' ); html = html.replace( />\n[\r\n\t]+\n<' ); html = html.replace( /^
  • \u00a0<\/td>/g, ' ' ); return tinymce.trim( html ); } editor.addCommand( 'Tadv_Mark', function() { editor.formatter.toggle('mark'); }); editor.addButton( 'tadv_mark', { icon: 'backcolor', tooltip: 'Mark', cmd: 'Tadv_Mark', stateSelector: 'mark' }); editor.on( 'init', function() { if ( noAutop ) { editor.on( 'SaveContent', function( event ) { event.content = event.content.replace( /caption\](\s|]*>|

     <\/p>)*\[caption/g, 'caption] [caption' ); event.content = event.content.replace( /<(object|audio|video)[\s\S]+?<\/\1>/g, function( match ) { return match.replace( /[\r\n\t ]+/g, ' ' ); }); event.content = event.content.replace( /]*)?>[\s\S]+?<\/pre>/g, function( match ) { match = match.replace( /
    (\r\n|\n)?/g, '\n' ); return match.replace( /<\/?p( [^>]*)?>(\r\n|\n)?/g, '\n' ); }); event.content = addLineBreaks( event.content ); }); } try { if ( editor.plugins.searchreplace && ! editor.controlManager.buttons.searchreplace ) { editor.shortcuts.remove( 'meta+f' ); } } catch ( er ) {} editor.formatter.register({ mark: { inline: 'mark' } }); }); editor.on( 'ObjectResizeStart', function( event ) { var element = event.target; var table = editor.$( element ); var parentWidth; var tableWidth; var width; if ( table.is( 'table' ) ) { if ( element.style.width && element.style.width.indexOf( '%' ) !== -1 ) { return; } parentWidth = parseInt( table.parent().css( 'width' ), 10 ); tableWidth = parseInt( event.width, 10 ); if ( parentWidth && tableWidth ) { if ( Math.abs( parentWidth - tableWidth ) < 3 ) { table.css({ width: '100%' }); } else { width = Math.round( ( tableWidth / parentWidth ) * 100 ); if ( width > 10 && width < 200 ) { table.css({ width: width + '%' }); } } } } }, true ); editor.addMenuItem( 'tmaresettablesize', { text: 'Reset table size', cmd: 'tmaResetTableSize', icon: 'dashicon dashicons-image-flip-horizontal', context: 'format', }); editor.addMenuItem( 'tmaremovetablestyles', { text: 'Remove table styling', cmd: 'tmaRemoveTableStyles', icon: 'dashicon dashicons-editor-table', context: 'format', }); editor.addButton( 'tmaresettablesize', { title: 'Reset table size', cmd: 'tmaResetTableSize', icon: 'dashicon dashicons-image-flip-horizontal', } ); editor.addButton( 'tmaremovetablestyles', { title: 'Remove table styling', cmd: 'tmaRemoveTableStyles', icon: 'dashicon dashicons-editor-table', } ); editor.addCommand( 'tmaRemoveTableStyles', function() { var node = editor.selection.getStart(); var table = editor.dom.getParents( node, 'table' ); var attr = { style: null, 'data-mce-style': null, width: null, height: null, minWidth: null, maxWidth: null, minHeight: null, maxHeight: null, align: null, valign: null, axis: null, 'char': null, charoff: null, bgcolor: null, border: null, cellspacing: null, cellpadding: null }; if ( table ) { editor.$( table ).attr( attr ).find( 'tr, th, td, thead, tbody, tfoot' ).each( function( i, element ) { editor.$( element ).attr( attr ); } ); } } ); editor.addCommand( 'tmaResetTableSize', function() { var node = editor.selection.getStart(); var table = editor.dom.getParents( node, 'table' ); if ( table ) { removeInlineSizes( null, table ); editor.$( table ).find( 'tr, th, td, thead, tbody, tfoot' ).each( removeInlineSizes ); } } ); function removeInlineSizes( i, node ) { var element = editor.$( node ); element.attr( { width: null, height: null, minWidth: null, maxWidth: null, minHeight: null, maxHeight: null } ); element.css({ width: null, height: null }); if ( element.is( 'table' ) ) { element.css({ 'border-collapse': 'collapse', width: '100%;' }); } if ( ! element.attr( 'style' ) ) { element.attr({ style: null, 'data-mce-style': null }); } else { element.attr( 'data-mce-style', element.attr( 'style' ) ); } } if ( noAutop ) { editor.on( 'beforeSetContent', function( event ) { var autop; var wp = window.wp; if ( ! wp ) { return; } autop = wp.editor && wp.editor.autop; if ( ! autop ) { autop = wp.oldEditor && wp.oldEditor.autop; } if ( event.load && autop && event.content && event.content.indexOf( '\n' ) > -1 && ! /

    /i.test( event.content ) ) { event.content = autop( event.content ); } }, true ); if ( editor.settings.classic_block_editor ) { editor.on( 'beforeGetContent', function( event ) { if ( event.format === 'raw' ) { return; } var blocks = tinymce.$( '.block-editor-block-list__block' ); if ( blocks.length === 1 && blocks.attr( 'data-type' ) === 'core/freeform' ) { // Mark all paragraph tags inside a single freeform block so they are not stripped by the block editor... editor.$( 'p' ).each( function ( i, node ) { if ( ! node.hasAttributes() ) { editor.$( node ).attr( 'data-tadv-p', 'keep' ); } } ); } else { // Remove the above ugliness... editor.$( 'p[data-tadv-p]' ).removeAttr( 'data-tadv-p' ); } }, true ); } } return { addLineBreaks: addLineBreaks }; }); }( window.tinymce ));

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