\u00a0<\/td>/g, ' ' );
return tinymce.trim( html );
editor.addCommand( 'Tadv_Mark', function() {
editor.addButton( 'tadv_mark', {
icon: 'backcolor',
tooltip: 'Mark',
cmd: 'Tadv_Mark',
stateSelector: 'mark'
editor.on( 'init', function() {
if ( noAutop ) {
editor.on( 'SaveContent', function( event ) {
event.content = event.content.replace( /caption\](\s| ]*>| <\/p>)*\[caption/g, 'caption] [caption' );
event.content = event.content.replace( /<(object|audio|video)[\s\S]+?<\/\1>/g, function( match ) {
return match.replace( /[\r\n\t ]+/g, ' ' );
event.content = event.content.replace( /
]*)?>[\s\S]+?<\/pre>/g, function( match ) {
match = match.replace( / (\r\n|\n)?/g, '\n' );
return match.replace( /<\/?p( [^>]*)?>(\r\n|\n)?/g, '\n' );
event.content = addLineBreaks( event.content );
try {
if ( editor.plugins.searchreplace && ! editor.controlManager.buttons.searchreplace ) {
editor.shortcuts.remove( 'meta+f' );
} catch ( er ) {}
mark: { inline: 'mark' }
editor.on( 'ObjectResizeStart', function( event ) {
var element = event.target;
var table = editor.$( element );
var parentWidth;
var tableWidth;
var width;
if ( table.is( 'table' ) ) {
if ( element.style.width && element.style.width.indexOf( '%' ) !== -1 ) {
parentWidth = parseInt( table.parent().css( 'width' ), 10 );
tableWidth = parseInt( event.width, 10 );
if ( parentWidth && tableWidth ) {
if ( Math.abs( parentWidth - tableWidth ) < 3 ) {
table.css({ width: '100%' });
} else {
width = Math.round( ( tableWidth / parentWidth ) * 100 );
if ( width > 10 && width < 200 ) {
table.css({ width: width + '%' });
}, true );
editor.addMenuItem( 'tmaresettablesize', {
text: 'Reset table size',
cmd: 'tmaResetTableSize',
icon: 'dashicon dashicons-image-flip-horizontal',
context: 'format',
editor.addMenuItem( 'tmaremovetablestyles', {
text: 'Remove table styling',
cmd: 'tmaRemoveTableStyles',
icon: 'dashicon dashicons-editor-table',
context: 'format',
editor.addButton( 'tmaresettablesize', {
title: 'Reset table size',
cmd: 'tmaResetTableSize',
icon: 'dashicon dashicons-image-flip-horizontal',
} );
editor.addButton( 'tmaremovetablestyles', {
title: 'Remove table styling',
cmd: 'tmaRemoveTableStyles',
icon: 'dashicon dashicons-editor-table',
} );
editor.addCommand( 'tmaRemoveTableStyles', function() {
var node = editor.selection.getStart();
var table = editor.dom.getParents( node, 'table' );
var attr = {
style: null,
'data-mce-style': null,
width: null,
height: null,
minWidth: null,
maxWidth: null,
minHeight: null,
maxHeight: null,
align: null,
valign: null,
axis: null,
'char': null,
charoff: null,
bgcolor: null,
border: null,
cellspacing: null,
cellpadding: null
if ( table ) {
editor.$( table ).attr( attr ).find( 'tr, th, td, thead, tbody, tfoot' ).each( function( i, element ) {
editor.$( element ).attr( attr );
} );
} );
editor.addCommand( 'tmaResetTableSize', function() {
var node = editor.selection.getStart();
var table = editor.dom.getParents( node, 'table' );
if ( table ) {
removeInlineSizes( null, table );
editor.$( table ).find( 'tr, th, td, thead, tbody, tfoot' ).each( removeInlineSizes );
} );
function removeInlineSizes( i, node ) {
var element = editor.$( node );
element.attr( {
width: null,
height: null,
minWidth: null,
maxWidth: null,
minHeight: null,
maxHeight: null
} );
element.css({ width: null, height: null });
if ( element.is( 'table' ) ) {
element.css({ 'border-collapse': 'collapse', width: '100%;' });
if ( ! element.attr( 'style' ) ) {
element.attr({ style: null, 'data-mce-style': null });
} else {
element.attr( 'data-mce-style', element.attr( 'style' ) );
if ( noAutop ) {
editor.on( 'beforeSetContent', function( event ) {
var autop;
var wp = window.wp;
if ( ! wp ) {
autop = wp.editor && wp.editor.autop;
if ( ! autop ) {
autop = wp.oldEditor && wp.oldEditor.autop;
if ( event.load && autop && event.content && event.content.indexOf( '\n' ) > -1 && ! //i.test( event.content ) ) {
event.content = autop( event.content );
}, true );
if ( editor.settings.classic_block_editor ) {
editor.on( 'beforeGetContent', function( event ) {
if ( event.format === 'raw' ) {
var blocks = tinymce.$( '.block-editor-block-list__block' );
if ( blocks.length === 1 && blocks.attr( 'data-type' ) === 'core/freeform' ) {
// Mark all paragraph tags inside a single freeform block so they are not stripped by the block editor...
editor.$( 'p' ).each( function ( i, node ) {
if ( ! node.hasAttributes() ) {
editor.$( node ).attr( 'data-tadv-p', 'keep' );
} );
} else {
// Remove the above ugliness...
editor.$( 'p[data-tadv-p]' ).removeAttr( 'data-tadv-p' );
}, true );
return {
addLineBreaks: addLineBreaks
}( window.tinymce ));